When V6 for Windows is released, then moving Mac development to the V6 code base will begin shifting and V5 will begin winding down. The interface is different but the underlying code will be the same. The only sane solution is two write the core code so it is platform independent and will run on both. Writing two independent applications for two different operating system and trying to make them act similarly is impossible. I know a lot of the work in V6, that will show in in V6 for Windows first, was rewritten specifically so the same core code could be used in Mac V6. One of the driving factors in display development was to be able have all of the code capable of executing at OpenGL 3. The display has been rewritten since it is the same display code as what Rhino 6 for Windows is using. Thanks John, i didnt expect much of an answer of course but still did i have a bit hope to hear something more thrilling. It compiles now but is not ready for even basic in-house testing. Mac Rhino development is split between working on continued improvements to V5 and getting a V6 Mac Rhino in-house developer build working. Our focus is releasing Rhino V6 for Windows.